Photographer Goals for 2023: Setting Our Sights on Success
A new year is here. At this turning point, it’s only natural for people to reflect on the past and plan for the future. It’s always helpful for...

A new year is here. At this turning point, it’s only natural for people to reflect on the past and plan for the future. It’s always helpful for photographers and creatives to set personal and professional goals, and move forward with an open mind.
By setting aspirations and looking forward to what’s to come, we can embrace the challenges and celebrate the successes in the year ahead.
Whether it’s revisiting your portfolio, adjusting your business model, or simply setting goals for personal growth, the start of a new year is a great opportunity to reset and refocus on what matters to you most.
We asked our passionate photo community on social media what they’re looking forward to in 2023, and what goals or projects they hope to accomplish this year. Read their responses below and walk away inspired for the year ahead!
What are your goals and aspirations for 2023? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram (@photoshelter) and let us know!
Here’s what the photo community had to say on Twitter…
To be able to do more public speaking, as well as start doing workshops and mentoring more.
— Amanda J. Cain (@grafikAmanda) December 13, 2022
I would love to make time to host some photography themed Twitter spaces, I had really enjoyed doing them at the beginning of the year but didn’t commit as much time as I would have liked!
— Brayden Creations (@BraydenCreation) December 13, 2022
Perhaps start working with Getty images
— Saquan Stimpson (@monsterphotoiso) December 13, 2022
To start and complete my first editorial photo essay about a story I’m very passionate about.
— Bria Woods (@BriaWoods1) December 13, 2022
To Become completely self sufficient off of my photographs
— Josiah E Photos (@JosiahEPhotos) December 13, 2022
Launching a successful senior team + Serving more senior clients who see the value in albums & larger photo products
Building my portfolio and Securing more editorials & photographing actors
Entering photog contests
More commercial photography clients & traveling for shoots
— Jackie Photography (@jphotographyROC) December 14, 2022
I’d just like to get out with my camera more often. I spent a decent amount of 2022 in my studio working on a new album, and less time out in nature like I normally would. Hopefully 2023 can be full of new adventures!
— Nik Hayes (@SirAramis) December 14, 2022
To share a picture that triggers a positive emotional response with thousands of people.
— Tim Davis Photography (@TimDavisPhoto) December 12, 2022
I want to keep growing my photography business, in the hopes of becoming a full-time photographer within the next 5 years.
And I want to sell 1 print. Just one. Would be my first.
— Seb Duper | Don’t Forget Love (@SebDuperPhoto) December 13, 2022
Team photographer for a sports team
— Brett Patzke (@PatzkeBrett) December 15, 2022
I would love to be able to sell more of my photos and have them in art galleries
— Gonza (@gogonzafilms) December 13, 2022
I’m looking to book/publish more print work this next year. Get more eyes from the local news & magazine circuits.
— Dave Wardrick (@AD79DAVE) December 13, 2022
I’m going to complete my personal trainer business and got a exciting project to start in January which will involve light painting for the English heritage my goal is to be successful and be the best I can be
— Derventio photography (@carlrender1) December 14, 2022
Launching a collection on Foundation and Sloika, potentially looking to get back into the idea of making a book of my work and experiences. And just make a larger impact in the community
— Stoicthephotographer | Head West Live on FND (@Stoic_photos) December 14, 2022
A Robin in flight for me is my main goal, I’ll take everything else as it comes
— Jen Animal Photographer (@Felinedoggeous) December 13, 2022
To get paid for my work.
— Peter Custodio (@originalcoolone) December 13, 2022
We heard from a few photographers on Instagram too…
“Get better with studio lighting and take more meaningful photos.” – Brad Rempel
“Start a blog.” – Ghaneshwaran Balachandran
“I want to get better with on-camera flash and use it in a creative way. I’d also like to get better with Photo Mechanic and hot codes.” – Mike Fiechtner
“Getting better at taking night pictures.” – vollepetrole
“Evaluate and improve my processes to become more efficient.” – Steven Bridges
“Understand networks and wired connections better.” – Elaina Eichorn
What are your goals and aspirations for 2023? Leave a comment below or tag us on Twitter or Instagram (@photoshelter) and let us know what you’re looking to learn, and any exciting details about the projects or assignments you have planned for the year ahead.