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How the PhotoShelter Team Uses Socialie for Content Distribution

See how the PhotoShelter team uses their content distribution platform Socialie to encourage employee advocacy and reach new audiences.

Behind the scenes, we’re using Socialie by PhotoShelter to streamline content sharing, strengthen brand awareness, and make it easy for our team to amplify important messages. Before Socialie – we often struggled to garner employee support to post branded content. Here’s how Socialie helped us expand our reach and empower our team.

The Challenge: Encouraging Employee Participation on Social Media

Jeremy here, from the PhotoShelter team! As the Content Marketing Manager, it’s my responsibility to promote PhotoShelter’s content on social media. However, getting our employees to share our content used to be a long, drawn-out process with low levels of participation. Here are a few of the challenges we faced:

Using Slack limited engagement and interaction 

We used to manually post in our company Slack whenever we wanted to encourage employees to share our content on social media. Slack can be a distraction from regular work tasks, so a lot of our team wasn’t checking our dedicated social media channel often enough to improve how frequently we were posting. 

Manual posting took up too much time 

Prior to using Socialie, I was using multiple methods to try and get people to participate. This included drafting captions for social media on Google Docs, encouraging the team to download visuals, and hoping they would copy and paste my suggested content on their own social media channels. This took a lot of time and effort with limited returns.

A screenshot of a Google Doc that outlines the internal process of sharing PhotoShelter's content on social media.

No visibility into employee participation 

Using only Slack and Google Docs, I wasn’t able to see how many people were actually engaging with the content unless I took the time to check each social media channel to see who posted. On Slack, if someone left an emoji reaction, it didn’t mean they posted the content.

Screenshot of a message in PhotoShelter's company Slack group encouraging employees to engage with a social post.

The Solution: Streamlining Employee Advocacy with Socialie

Now, sharing is streamlined and we’re seeing more of the team champion our content and post on their own social media channels. Here’s how Socialie made employee advocacy a simple, fruitful process:

Sending suggested content is easy

At PhotoShelter, I write up short directions for the team, add suggested copy and any tags or photo credits to include in the caption, and then select the preferred social channels.

Once I added Publishers to our Socialie account, I could then upload visuals, suggest content, and send a push notification to the Publishers so they know it’s time to help spread the word.

This is where I can select the specific group of Publishers I want to distribute content to, and I can also schedule the suggestion, if I prefer to share it at a later date.

Screenshot of the Socialie by PhotoShelter platform, showcasing how to schedule suggested content.

Automated posting saves time

Once the content is ready to go, I don’t have to reach out and notify anyone. I can prepare the copy, add the visuals, select the Publishers, and then schedule the content to hit my coworkers’ inboxes or cell phones. Without leaving Socialie, I can set it and forget it.

Within Socialie, you can even sync up your media library so that when new content is added and tagged with specific keywords, files are automatically shared via Socialie to the groups or users you select.

Screenshot of a tool in Socialie by PhotoShelter that allows you to schedule a post for a later date and time.

Tracking suggested content provides insights

With Socialie’s robust tracking tools, I can see the participation from my coworkers as they help amplify our content on social media.

Once I send suggested content to our employees, (or other stakeholders) I can then track a number of details, including whether or not the Publisher opened and published the suggestion, how they were notified (mobile, email, etc.), and even the social media metrics associated with their post(s).

This is a great way to keep tabs on their activity and make sure the employee advocacy program is making an impact on social media.

Screenshot of Socialie by PhotoShelter showcasing the list of publishers and their engagement on the platform.

Screenshot of a page within Socialie by PhotoShelter that tracks Publisher participation.

How Social Empowers Your Employees to Promote Your Content

Here are just a few benefits of using Socialie to get your employees engaged and advocating for your brand on social media:

Make it easy on your employees

According to Sprout’s Employee Advocacy Report, 72% of survey respondents would post about their company if content was written for them. Increase adoption by sending content the way your publishers want it so they can get posts live faster.

Do more with less

Automate the parts of your workflow you like the least while tracking the metrics that matter the most. With advanced AI solutions, you can automatically tag content with important metadata, track performance, and cut out additional steps.

Grow your social reach by 10x

Your employees have their own networks. Quickly empower all the channels that influence their web of connections and your target audiences, increasing your reach 10x on average.

Scale Your Brand’s Content Distribution with Socialie

Automate your social media strategy, remove roadblocks, and help your own team (or influencers, partners, or other stakeholders) share content on their channels instantly. Click here to learn more and get started.

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